Text Neck and Forward Head Carriage

Although digital devices can enhance our daily lives and make work easier, they can also cause health problems due to poor posture. Two such issues are text neck and forward head carriage. These conditions can lead to pain and limited neck mobility, significantly impacting your day-to-day life. Fortunately, your “chiropractor near me” at Balance in Motion Chiropractic in the Midtown East area of New York, NY, offers holistic care that alleviates text neck and forward head carriage. Learn more about these postural problems and how chiropractic care can treat them below.

What Is Text Neck?

Text neck occurs due to poor posture while you use a digital device. Tilting your head forward to text increases pressure on your neck and strains the cervical spine. Prolonged periods in this position lead to several uncomfortable symptoms, such as:

  • Intense or more general pain in your neck, shoulder, or upper back
  • Headaches
  • Less mobility in your neck

What Is Forward Head Carriage?

Forward head carriage is the chronic misalignment of the head, often caused by extensive text neck. This posture leads to muscle imbalances in your neck, shoulder, upper back, and chest. Many people experience tightness, pain, and even rounded shoulders or a hunched back from a forward head carriage. Fortunately, chiropractic care offers an effective way to correct text neck and forward head carriage and prevent future postural problems.

Treatment and Prevention

Our chiropractor is adept at treating injuries or issues involving the musculoskeletal system, including poor posture. Chiropractic adjustments help realign vertebrae and joints that became misaligned due to prolonged text neck. Doing this alleviates pain while restoring your spinal function. We may include therapeutic exercises and stretches you can perform to strengthen your muscles. Our chiropractor can also recommend lifestyle and ergonomic adjustments to prevent text neck and forward head carriage, including:

  • Holding your phone or other devices at eye level
  • Taking occasional breaks from your phone
  • Practicing good posture while sitting and standing
  • Stretching your upper back and neck muscles to keep them flexible

Alleviate Your Neck Pain Today at Balance in Motion Chiropractic

If you are suffering from text neck or forward head carriage and need treatment from a “chiropractor near me,” look no further than Balance in Motion Chiropractic in the Midtown East area of New York, NY. We can provide treatment that corrects your posture and alleviates pain, so call us and schedule a consultation today at (646) 867-8877 to achieve lasting health and wellness.

Although digital devices can enhance our daily lives and make work easier, they can also cause health problems due to poor posture. Two such issues are text neck and forward head carriage. These conditions can lead to pain and limited neck mobility, significantly impacting your day-to-day life. Fortunately, your “chiropractor near me” at Balance in Motion Chiropractic in the Midtown East area of New York, NY, offers holistic care that alleviates text neck and forward head carriage. Learn more about these postural problems and how chiropractic care can treat them below.

What Is Text Neck?

Text neck occurs due to poor posture while you use a digital device. Tilting your head forward to text increases pressure on your neck and strains the cervical spine. Prolonged periods in this position lead to several uncomfortable symptoms, such as:

  • Intense or more general pain in your neck, shoulder, or upper back
  • Headaches
  • Less mobility in your neck

What Is Forward Head Carriage?

Forward head carriage is the chronic misalignment of the head, often caused by extensive text neck. This posture leads to muscle imbalances in your neck, shoulder, upper back, and chest. Many people experience tightness, pain, and even rounded shoulders or a hunched back from a forward head carriage. Fortunately, chiropractic care offers an effective way to correct text neck and forward head carriage and prevent future postural problems.

Treatment and Prevention

Our chiropractor is adept at treating injuries or issues involving the musculoskeletal system, including poor posture. Chiropractic adjustments help realign vertebrae and joints that became misaligned due to prolonged text neck. Doing this alleviates pain while restoring your spinal function. We may include therapeutic exercises and stretches you can perform to strengthen your muscles. Our chiropractor can also recommend lifestyle and ergonomic adjustments to prevent text neck and forward head carriage, including:

  • Holding your phone or other devices at eye level
  • Taking occasional breaks from your phone
  • Practicing good posture while sitting and standing
  • Stretching your upper back and neck muscles to keep them flexible

Alleviate Your Neck Pain Today at Balance in Motion Chiropractic

If you are suffering from text neck or forward head carriage and need treatment from a “chiropractor near me,” look no further than Balance in Motion Chiropractic in the Midtown East area of New York, NY. We can provide treatment that corrects your posture and alleviates pain, so call us and schedule a consultation today at (646) 867-8877 to achieve lasting health and wellness.

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